In my living surroundings, there’s a lack of art appreciation of the public because of some reasons like cultural failure or the absence of art activities. The public wasn’t well encouraged to experience or explore art, and what they define ‘beauty of art’ still stays in 'visual splendor' or 'exquisite'.
My works inspired by the everyday’s items and things, and mainly combined mediums of images, installations and drawings. I recorded some kinds of interesting things and even strange thoughts in the uotidian, then constantly question and explore the internal contradictions and philosophy of them. I tried to present the spirit of arts and philosophy of these uneventful aspects of lives with my value, and also find a form that can convey the everyday’s ambiguity and complexity.
Taking a new perspective on the everyday and identifying the abnormal aspect of what we take for granted that help me to maintain enthusiasm of lives. I hope audience would not lose the attention of the everyday, and they can find new meaning of quotidian which may bring happiness.
—Yingyi 07/2020